The Kite Flight for Reading and Sight began as part of a MD 28 state wide fund raising activity to benefit the Utah Lions Eye Bank sponsored by multiple clubs in the state, that was 19 years ago. We are the only Kite Flight that continued.
Our Kite Flight took off when we joined with the Iron County School District to encourage kids reading. We have never recognized those who read the most but to offer a “carrot” for those who may need encouragement to read.
We patterned our Kite Flight after the Washington County kite flying activity.
We have a great group of sponsors whose dollars all goes to the school’s PTA or PTO based upon the reading charts redeemed at the Kite Flight.
SUU’s Rotaract club asked to join their Community Health Fair with us a couple of years ago.
Thus the name changed to the “Kite Flight and Community Health Fair”. Our platinum sponsors names the Kite Flight, thus this year’s name is “Mountain Eye Institute’s Kite Flight & Community Health Fair.
The fair is held on the 4th Saturday of April at the Cedar Middle School lawn. Our high for reading charts redeemed was 850. We dropped some during Covid-19 but in 2022 we had 550 charts redeemed with over $13,000 distributed to the schools.
We have enjoyed a variety of weather days but to see families from all over the county come together to enjoy great family time flying kites has been very rewarding. We have had articles in the Lions Clubs International magazine at least two times recognizing this great family centered activity.
We look forward to another great Kite Flight this April 22 and an active Community Health Fair component.